«Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament – Mary Immaculate – the Church – the Poor: they are our ideal, they must fill our life; they will allow us to become like the saints and ascend to heaven».
Fhater Domenico Masi
«Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament – Mary Immaculate – the Church – the Poor: they are our ideal, they must fill our life; they will allow us to become like the saints and ascend to heaven».
Fhater Domenico Masi
The Congregation was established in Miramare di Rimini and its ‘heart’ still beats here. In Miramare, there are the motherhouse and the generalate of the Sisters of Mary Immaculate, as well as many of the charities established by Father Domenico Masi, their founder.
“Casa al mare” was established in Rimini: it is a seaside accommodation which over the years has welcomed hundreds of families who could find a comfortable accommodation to spend a happy, Christian holiday, rediscover themselves, God and the others. The “Casa al Mare” is surrounded by a green park and is just 100m far from the beach. It is located in a peaceful and yet central area; thanks to its location and comforts, guests can enjoy a pleasant and happy holiday.
The heart, even the physical one, of the structure hosting the Sisters of Mary Immaculate in Miramare is the Lourdes Grotto, a copy of the original Grotto Father Domenico wanted to be built in 1962, which was his last gift to the community to which he had dedicated his entire life. At the end of a small square there is a giant reproduction of the grotto of Massabielle, where in 1858 Our Lady appeared to a 14-year-old peasant girl, Bernadette Soubirous, to whom she said to be the Immaculate Conception. In summer, from May to September, people crowd the small square to recite the rosary. It is an oasis of spirituality just a few steps from the beach and surrounded by many hotels.
In Miramare, the Sisters run a small first aid centre for anyone who may need some basic medical assistance. The centre was established under the will of the Founder and is a charity work which has always been managed with love, dedication and expertise.
The Preschool named after Father Domenico Masi is an educational community composed of religious and lay teachers. It is a Catholic school and its imprint clearly marks all the teaching activities.
The children attending the preschool, who are about 85 divided into three classrooms, come from different family and social backgrounds, including the children of the people who have lived in Miramare for a long time and had attended the same school as children and the children of Extra-EU and EU immigrants who moved to Rimini.
The school makes use of an educational approach drawing inspiration from active teaching, which is a complex combination of teaching methods that regard the child to play an active role in his own learning process.
The community of nuns in Morciano manages a care home to support and assist the elderly who live there. It is a 24-bed accommodation, plus an extra bed in case of emergency. The community is managed by five nuns. Every Wednesday they welcome a prayer group belonging to the Catholic movement “Rinnovamento dello Spirito Santo” (Renovation of the Holy Spirit) and on the second Thursday of each month the prayer group dedicated to “Padre Pio”. On Fridays they host the Caritas prayer group of the local parish.
Night and day the nuns take care of their guests, whom they love and look after with passion, trying to promptly meet all their needs with a spirit of dedication and without thinking of themselves because, in each one of their guest, they can see the face of their own mother.
The Sisters of Mary Immaculate manage the “Casa della Spiritualità” (House of Spirituality) in Saludecio. Over the years the House has increasingly more become a tool for evangelization, open to parishes, groups and people. It is also a place designed to host retreats, training meetings, spirituality days. The Diocese of Rimini has the House as a reference point for the several activities of its Family Pastoral Department.
The Sisters of Mary Immaculate first started to work at the Care Home “Beato Amato” at the beginning of 1968, when the mayor of the town, Luigi Calesini, asked the Congregation for some sisters to be willing to assist lonely and sick old people. The request by the mayor was accepted in conformity with the charism launched by their Founder: “the poor, the abandoned, the lonely and the weakest”.
The community is currently composed of 5 nuns who look after the elderly, teach catechism and participate in the Sunday liturgy in Sant’Ansovino, a town 2 km far from Saludecio.
The community of the nuns in San Clemente, which is composed of four nuns, participate in the activities of the local church, serving the altar, teaching the catechism and participating to the liturgical animation. The community also manages “La Samaritana” Refuge house, aimed at hosting single or unmarried mothers or girls who managed to escape prostitution slavery. It is one way to give a solution to the new poverties today’s societies causes.
It is a women-only care home, for lonely self-sufficient or partially self-sufficient women. It has a 21-bed capacity (8 double rooms and 5 single rooms).
It offers welfare, health, environmental health, laundry services, religious assistance, assistance for trips/excursions, recreational activities and parties. On many occasions, during the year, the House is crowded with young and less young people who are willing to spend some time with ‘grandmothers’, thus giving them joy and happiness. Thanks to their youth enthusiasm they organize games, competitions, dancing and singing events, old songs making them remember their own youth
The community is managed by five nuns: one manager, one nurse, one social and healthcare operator, religious collaborators as well as lay people in charge with different tasks such as meal distribution, cleaning of the rooms and communal areas. In the morning the nuns help the guests to wake up, wash and dress and bring them to the Church for the morning Holy Mass, at 7.30, and to have breakfast immediately afterwards. During the day, the ‘grandmothers’ play games, attend some workshops and do gym exercises suitable to them. In the afternoon, they have a break with fresh or hot drinks and are helped to tidy up their rooms, as many of them are not completely self-sufficient. In the evening, ‘grandmothers’ and nuns go to the chapel to praise and thank the Lord for the gift of life and the nice day spent together, and they say the rosary and sing Marian songs to worship the Virgin Mary Immaculate, our Sister and Mother.